Saying YES to the call…
Well I’ve shared everything with you… well not everything but a big chunk of how my life has been. I haven’t written in a while because I felt like that was all I had to say. I had major writer’s block and I just couldn’t let the words come together. I knew that whatever I wrote could not be mediocre… because of the reviews from my testimony and what I’ve written so far , I put myself in the category of a true writer.
I knew that if I talked about anything else, “my fans” would be disappointed. Talk about boastful lol. I mean I had never been in the position of “fame” before and even though it may have only been like 5 people waiting for my weekly blog, I led with my ego. It was almost as if I was writing Gospel Sista Souljah (Lord, forgive me) but my head got kind of big.
Then God sat me down QUICK and reminded me of my “why”. - > Loc’d Faith
He told me that I actually had more to write. That it was never about people liking what I was writing but the message behind the words…. That it wasn’t even about me. “What? You mean to tell me none of this is about me? Cool.” I got so caught up in trying to please the world instead of trying to do what God called me to do, how He called me to do it. So I was stuck. He reminded me that my story was to simply be told so He would get the glory. Him…..not me.
At the beginning of this Loc’d Faith journey, I said yes to whatever God had for me. That meant slowing down. You know, sometimes we get caught in the life around us and lose focus on what we are supposed to be doing. Then it prolongs His promise for our lives… So after I settled down and actually heard His voice, I did what He has been calling me to do. I enrolled into a leadership program at my church. Never would I have imagined that I would be enrolled into a program that will lead me to possibly becoming a minister.
Minister?! *insert Soulja Boy meme* …. nah playa… me?! … you serious? ……………………………………………. ok… I’ll go…
My church recently finished a 21 day fast and I took that time to really seek God with everything I do… which includes this blog. I was so busy trying to figure out my next move with merchandise and content, when all He wanted me to do was sit in His presence. Ultimately releasing everything that I wanted to continue to do what He wants.
When we say yes to someone we are saying yes to being there. Yes to doing what they have asked of us. Yes to sacrificing our time. Yes to helping them, etc… it’s a bit easy…. But when God asked us to say yes, we are often timid. Timid because of fear of the unknown. We don’t want to change our current situation and lifestyles. Our egos and pride get in the way.. we feel unqualified because of our past…you know we just want to be able to do things our way and continue to live how we want to live.
But sometimes all we have to do is say yes. Yes God, I surrender. I’m here to tell you that the story is not over and that there is more to be done within your purpose. It may not look how you want it to look but it will be in the will of God. It’s beautiful.
Not sure if I will become a minister but it was put on my heart to take the leap and follow the call. So far so good. I passed biblical hermeneutics with a B. So I think we gon’ be alright…
Until next time, remember, it only takes one yes.. God gon’ get the glory.. fasho!